This page will be used as a cheat sheet for when it comes time to actually make my main site.
You probably won't see this
this is a link. Links are defined with an a tag Like this. This one links to google
you can also add images like this
you can also create paragraphs
with a line break using br.
this is all one line of code!
You can also use the style attribute to change font, color and size. This paragraph is red!
Hover over this for a sec
This paragraph is now 70 px
sometimes you want to post something like a poem,
but a paragraph attribute will
just display it all
on one line
and using the br attribute can get tedious
the pre element is used to preserve a prexisting format ain't that lovely?
Back to fucking with colors again. These preset hues are nice, but I wonder when the color codes come in.... But, HEY! You can apparently text-align :P
you can also change the background color for a page by 'bracket'body style="background-color:color;"'bracket'. In this case, the page is now powder blue! Pretty cool!
This paragraph has a tomato background now. TOMATO
You can also use the font-family style to change fonts. This paragraph is now in Veranda
And this one is Courier
and this one's in wingdings
You can also change font size without specifying pixels
you can use percents as well. this paragraph's text size was increased by 300%
you can also format text by making them:
the difference between bold and strong text is that bold text isn't defined with importance
whereas strong text is
... I don't know about you, but they both look practically the same to me
You can also quote shit using the blockquote element, which indents information you're quoting, like so (I'm literally using the example from the tutorial website. sue me):
Here's a quote from WWF's website:
For 50 years, WWF has been protecting the future of nature. The world's leading conservation organization, WWF works in 100 countries and is supported by 1.2 million members in the United States and close to 5 million globally
the q tag is used to define shorter quotations, and browsers usually insert quotation marks around it, like this:
WWF's goal is to: Build a future where people live in harmony with nature
the abbr tag is used to define an abbreviation or an acrpmum like this one for the World Health Organization,
Which the code turns into The WHO, which was founded in 1948.
The Scream by Edvard Much. ainted in 1893.
It's pretty underwhelming...
the bdo tag, or bi-directional override, is used to override the current text direction
This text will be written from right to leftyou can also add borders by using style="border:(size)px solid (color).
This one is 4px in solid violet
VS. An inline span, which will not start on a new line and only takes up as much width as necessary
a div style, which is used as a container for other html and can be used to style blocks of content
rgb(#,#,#,.5 (this is transparency))
hsl(hue,saturation,lightness,0.5(this is transparency))
By default, linked pages will be displayed in the current browser window
to change this, you mus specidy another target for the link. the TARGET attribute specifies where to oben the linked doc
It can have one of the following values:
_self: default. opens the document in the same window/tab it was clicked
_blank: opens the document in a new window or tab
_parent: opens the document in the parent frame
_top: opens the document in the full body of the window
Examples look like this
This directs to google in the same window using _self
This directs to google in a new window/tab using _blank
This directs to google in the parent frame using _parent
This directs to google in the full body of the window using _top
Relative URLS are local links, which are a link that directs to a page within the same website. It doesn't have the https://www part.
To use an image as a link,, put the bracket img bracket tag inside the a tag like this:
Va href="default.asp"V
(img src="smiley.gif" alt="HTML tutorial" style="width:42px;height:42px;")(/a) (in which the () stands in for the graphics bc fuck this site oml)
You can also link to an email address by using mailto: inside the href attribute, which looks like this:
(a href="")Send email(/a)
You'll never guess what this is
Use a full url to link to a webpage:
I don't have any other websites lol
How to link to a page in an html folder on your current website:
(a href="/html/default.asp")HTML tutorial(/a)
Link to a page located in the same folder as your current page:
(a href="default.asp")HTML tutorial(/a)
The image will float to the right of the text
The image will float to the left of the text